Hooking backhand


Manfred Rolfsmeier
Manfred Rolfsmeier Asked 9 years ago

I still practise the hooking forehand topspin - works fine occasionally. I wonder whether the same is possible with the backhand or is there any technique to make the ball curve more sidewards?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Manfred,

We do have a Premium Ask the Coach video response to this called Curve with Backhand.

Some principles are that you drop your wrist an then hit the ball slightly on the side of the ball to generate the sidespin.  You can also hit it from slightly past your left hip to make it easier to get around the side of the ball. 

Recommended Video

Backhand Slow Spinny Topspin

The backhand slow spinny topspin can be really useful especially against a blocker who likes the ball coming fast to them.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Manfred Rolfsmeier

Manfred Rolfsmeier Posted 9 years ago

Thanks Alois,

I get a glimpse how it works and will execute some weird experiments. Guess with my previous attempts the stroke was to short and slow. And as lety with a weak fh this could be a weapon for the future ;-)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Indeed... But don't pick on us poor Lefties wink

hassan karbassi

hassan karbassi Posted 9 years ago

dear sir for killer spin is that Ok to slowly hit the ball or fast? i mean that ball must contact more time or not to bat?

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