How do I get Training Plans


Martin Polívka
Martin Polívka Asked 13 years ago

 I have a few questions for you. I watched all your videos on youtube and I belive you can help me.

1)How often, long, hard and what should I train? - now I train 3 - 4 times in week 1:20 hour.
2)Do I have to make a plan of week training? Is it good or is it waste of time? Can you show me some weeks plans?

 I play table tennis for 8 years (but in first 5 years I trained badly, now is it better and I found the joy for table tennis again). My forehand spin is good, but I suck in backhand topspin, my services are also not very powerful.

 So, what should I train first? Should I train more forehand spin or try to learn a backhand spin? Which services are useful? I am tring to learn reverse forehand, and I can a lot of backhand services - but in my new competiton are my backhand services useless. 

 Thank you for all your tips and responses,

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

HI Martin,

Training 3 - 4 times a week is a good amount to allow yourself to improve.

It is good to make a weekly training plan so that you know what you are focusing on.

You can use the PingSkills Training Plan.  This will give you an outline of a plan that you can follow.

If you sing up for the 7 day free trial for the Premium membership you will receive the first of our Training Plans.  You can always unsubscribe before the first payment after 7 days.

The Premium membership will give you a Training plan each week.  We will show you what you can be practicing on a weekly basis and also you will receive a Master class video each week relating to the Training Plan for the week. With the Training PLan we also give you a service drill to ficus on each week. Give it a try.  It is probably just what you are looking for.

You should always focus on the basics first bit them also go bask to the basics 

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Which Footwork Drill?

In this master class we talk about which footwork drill you should select for your practice sessions.

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