How do i make the pendulum serve?


Ontivero blackitin
Ontivero blackitin Asked 13 years ago

I have already asked this question but i still can't do it! How do i have to hold the bat? with 3 fingers but how and when i hit the ball it hits the red help me please, how can i make it good?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Ontivero,

The grip for the Pendulum serve is crucial.

Start with a normal grip.  Take the 3 fingers away from the handle and then make a fist with them behind the handle. Now you are ready to make the serve.

The contact of the bat on the ball needs to be a brushing action to get the spin on the ball.  Don't worry too much, just keep practicing, you will find it will improve the more you work on it.

We also have a DVD on serving that will show you in great detail a wide range of serves and how to do them.  You can purchase Serving Secrets Revealed through our DVDs page on our website. 

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If you can execute the Ma Lin serve you now need to work out when to use it to make it effective for your game.

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