How do you deal with humidity?


carlo simbajon
carlo simbajon Asked 12 years ago

I noticed some rubbers (chinese especially) are prone to humidity. The others also but to a lesser degree (Mark V, for example).

I live in the Philippines and tournaments are held indoors usually without AC. Late in the afternoon I notice the rubber having a slick film on it. Even if I wipe it off it comes back. This is on an LKT Pro XP rubber. Someone told me it's the same with many of the tacky Chinese rubbers even Xiom.

Recently I purchased a Donic Vario still I noticed the same phenomena. 

Humidity can really have a negative impact on your game especially if you are a looper. 

How do you deal with this? Someone suggested using Spinmax. Haven't tried that yet.

Thank you and more power to you and your website. Happy holidays!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Carlo,

Humidity is a big problem.  It is not just Chinese rubbers it is for all rubbers.

I don't know there is a solution to it.  Usually the players will just wipe down their rubber between each point to make sure there is no moisture on their bat.  If there is any moisture at all the ball will slip off the bat.  It is really impossible to play with any moisture.

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