How do you tell Short and Long Pimples


chino cudeiro
chino cudeiro Asked 13 years ago

Hello I am from Spain and I would whole-heartedly thankyou if you could tell me how to distinguish a short pimples bat from a long pimples bat.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Chino,

If you feel the pimple, the long pimple will move when you press into them. The short pimple is a lot firmer.

You can look at the pimple from the side and tell the length of the pimples. 

Take a look at our lesson on the Effects of Rubbers.  This shows you the different types of rubbers. 

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Choosing a Table Tennis Bat

Make sure you buy a table tennis bat that is suitable for your level and allows you to develop your technique. For your first bat we recommend the PingSkills Rook, and when you upgrade to a custom bat we recommend the PingSkills Touch with Mark V or Rakza 7.

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