How exactly do you brush the ball


Adam Hossain
Adam Hossain Asked 8 years ago

Hi I can do many shots but the ones I do don't include brushing the ball. But the best spin shots need brushing the ball how do you do it

Do you diagonally bring your ball forward from your knee?(Not straight up right?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Adam,

To brush the ball imagine the ball as a wheel that you are trying to turn with your bat.  You can brush the ball in any way, on the top, under or around the sides.

Another way to think about it is to imagine a tiny insect on the ball that you are trying to brush off with the bat.... without squashing it...

We do have a tutorial on Learning To Spin which is part of the Serving Secrets section and a Premium lesson.  This is something you may want to consider to get access to these types of tutorials.

Recommended Video

How to Take Your Topspin to the Next Level

In this video we will discuss and demonstrate different training drills and strategies that you can use to help develop and improve the loop that you get on your forehand topspin.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Gabriel Orozco

Gabriel Orozco Posted 8 years ago

One thing my coach told me was that you'll know that you added spin to the ball if when you hit the ball, the ball does not sound so aggressive. There is a different sound between a no spin ball and a ball with spin. If you don't really know what I mean, try smashing the ball with your bat flat, and then do a forehand topspin loop and you'll notice how different the ball sounds. This will guide you to how constant you make your shots with spin, or better said, if your adding spin to the ball.

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