How hard to hit when serving short


Angel  Tzankov
Angel Tzankov Asked 6 years ago

Hello PingSkills,

Recently I realized if I hit the ball faster when serving I get much more spin on the serve, but it is harder to keep it short. My question is should I train to hit the ball with a faster motion when trying to serve short to generate more spin or should I just slightly graze the ball to keep it short?

Thanks a lot,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Angel,

Eventually you should aim for both.  Initially try to get the action as fast as you can which will mean that the ball might fly long.  As you improve think about brushing the ball finer so that the serve is short but keep the same speed of your bat.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

High Toss Serve

The high toss serve looks spectacular and it gets results. It is particularly suited to the pendulum serve but we encourage you to try it out with all of your serves. Follow these instructions and add the high toss serve to your repertoire.

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