How many lets can I serve


Kathleen Higgins
Kathleen Higgins Asked 13 years ago


Is there a limit to the lets on serve? Is it like tennis when the second one is a fault?

Thanks Kathleen

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 13 years ago

Hi Kathleen,

You cannot get faulted for serving a let. There is no limit on the number of lets. This is actually the same in tennis. However with tennis you have to serve two faults in a row before you lose a point. In Table Tennis if you serve a fault you lose the point. I hope this clears things up for you.

We actually cover this in our lesson on the Table Tennis Rules Overview.


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Hitting the Ceiling

When the ball hits the ceiling the point is over. You must hit the ball directly back onto the table otherwise you lose the point. In International tournaments the roof needs to be at least 5 metres above the playing surface but in local competitions you might often encounter much lower ceilings.

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Thoughts on this question

Raul Ortega

Raul Ortega Posted 2 years ago

Sorry but I still need some clarity due to the wording. In table tennis, I can hit the net during a serve and have it go over ("let") an unlimited number of times consecutively without losing a point?


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 2 years ago

Yes that is right Raul.

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