How read the spin on the service


Mark L
Mark L Asked 12 years ago

hi, I am Mark. I just change my short pimple backhand to smooth rubber just yesterday. =) so I am a happy owner of a old set-up of Timo Boll.  I used to receive service by just pushing the ball back or hitting the ball majority with my backhand short pimple rubber.

Currently for downspin service, i will just chop it back or backhand loop.

Now that i just change to smooth rubber, I realized that reading spin is very crucial for me. i just simply attempt to rub topspin to every single service that is not downspin service to me.  

Please advise me. 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Mark,

By using smooth rubber you will need to be more wary of spin. The best thing is allow yourself to learn how to react to spin.  Watch what happens to the ball when it hits your bat.

It is one of the traps of using short pimples early on because you don't get to learn about spin effectively.

For now just work on receiving with the normal rubber.  Take a look at our course on Receiving Secrets for more help.

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Thoughts on this question

idris phuyuthanon

idris phuyuthanon Posted 12 years ago

It hard to do (for me)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Receiving serve is one of the hardest parts of the game.  Keep working on it and it will get better.

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