How should I hold the paddle while serving


Konrad Siwek
Konrad Siwek Asked 11 years ago

Hi, I watched many movies about serving and different players hold the paddle in different ways when serving, that's quite confusing cause I'm actually not sure how I should hold it if i want to start training some more different serves instead of just the basic no-spin serves. The problem is that some players have their 3 fingers (except thumb and the pointing finger) gripped around the handle of the paddle but some players don't. Please tell me how I should hold the bat if I want to train serving, thx in advance (a picture/movie would be very useful here if possible)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Konrad,

If you are doing the Pendulum serve then you should take the 3 fingers away from the handle. However if yo are doing other serves such as the Tomahawk, or backhand serve, keep the fingers around the handle.  You can loosen the grip slightly to allow greater flexibility of the wrist but don't take them away from the handle.

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