Sometimes I get a medium-high ball, with this i mean a ball a bit high to do a good topspin but a bit low to do a secured smash, in this occasions i try to smash but i miss a lot of times cause the ball is not so high, what I'm doing wrong? I should try to hit a loop kill trying to hitting at the top of the ball, or maybe it's my placement which is bad?, i need help with this cause lower balls i return them with topspin but i have specially an opponent with is always giving me this kind of balls and i want to be more consistent with this.
Hi Francisco,
I had an opponent who used to trouble me with this same tactic.
It is an awkward height to play from. Try not to think about hitting the ball for a winner but rather keeping them away from the table with your shot. Put topspin on the ball like you normally would. Start with your bat a bit higher than you normally would but keep your shoulder really relaxed. The thing that often goes wrong with this shot is that you tighten your shoulder to get the bat up to that higher level and that will lead to a tight and bad stroke.
So relax, think about placing the ball well with some good topspin to keep them away from the table. When they hit the ball short or higher then you can hit it for a winner.
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Francisco Cespedes Grau Posted 13 years ago
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
Ian Costello Posted 13 years ago
What happens if the ball comes to your backhand?
Francisco Cespedes Grau Posted 13 years ago
Thanks very much for the video!!, last days i'm having less troubles with this, im learning to do those kind of topspins, and when i fail usually it's coz i still have no time to move to the correct position, but that is a footwork problem.
About what if it's in the backhand... i think if it's enough high you will have time to move, not like me i still dont have a good footwork and sometimes i fail this balls, maybe there is another solution but i dont know it.
Again thanks for the video! :)
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
If the ball comes to the backhand you can block it back if you like. Even block it short to bring them in closer to the table and then hit the next forehand harder while they are close.
The main thing to remember is that you don't have to hit a winner, just keep them away from attacking.
Ian Costello Posted 13 years ago
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
Muhammad Noman Posted 7 years ago
Thanks. I have the same problem. However, If the ball is on my backhand I can easily hit a topspin with my bat slightly angled. But The problem is with forehand. The problem is aggravated if the ball has backspin on it.