How to adjust consistency to different speed of the bounce of the ball in different places


Pasquale Mule
Pasquale Mule Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois, i've noticed that when i play in tournaments that are in other places, the speed of the bounce of the ball changes due to the density of the air and the atmospheric pressure. For example: when i play where i live which is hot, the ball bounces fast and the brushing contact feels very normal. Probably due because i'm used to it, however whenever i travel to San Jose and play there which is cold, the bounce of the ball is slower and the brushing contact feels different.. Many people tell me this is normal and it is a matter to just get used to it.

What is your advice to keep the same level of consistency for the same performance of game?

Thanks for reading!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Pasquale,

It is a matter of adjusting.  One thing you can do at home is to use different balls to face you to adjust quickly to different conditions.

When you go to a colder climate make sure you are keeping your bat warm as well.  Put it under your armpit or between your hands to keep the rubber warmer.

When you get to the tournament allow yourself plenty of warm up time to adjust to the conditions.  Keep your mind open to adjusting rather than expecting the ball to behave the same way it dos at home.

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Tactics Against a Flat Bat

If you come up against a payer that has a flat bat that can't generate much spin and you are having problems, take a look at this video for some help.

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Thoughts on this question

Pasquale Mule

Pasquale Mule Posted 7 years ago

Yes I noticed that thanks. The other thing of that is what you mentioned keeping the bat warm. The humidity seems to also change performance.

Tomorrow is a big day. Do you have any tips to make sure I play well tomorrow and not have a bad day?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

Be positive.  Focus on playing well and having a good day.

Keep your bat dry by wiping it regularly with your towel.  At least every 6 points and probably more often on your shorts or shirt to keep the rubber dry.

Relax, focus and play well.

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