How to be a Good Coach


DHS Lover
DHS Lover Asked 11 years ago

Hi PingSkills my friends want to learn table tennis and they told me to be their coach. The problem is, how to be a good coach ? As all of them have the same age with me. This make them can't learn the stroke seriously as they feel that I'm their friend, not their coach. So, how to be a good coach even they are my friends and have the same age with me and the most important thing is that they want learn and practice seriously. What should I do ? Please for the advice. Thank you very much

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Frendy,

The most important thing about a coach I think is to have a genuine interest in helping the player.  Everything else just flows from there.

Keep things simple with your instruction.  Good luck coach.

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Thoughts on this question

DHS Lover

DHS Lover Posted 11 years ago

No, I'm not a coach. I only can teach them the basics... Anyway, if they always make a wrong movement, how to fix it ? I've told them but they still make the same mistakes several times. Second, there's my friend that have play table tennis for a long time and he can hit the ball well. But the problem is, even the ball is good, but all of the movement are wrong, from the start position, to the finish position, and even the basic stance. So how to fix it ? It has been a habbit for him and even I force him to make a good stance, he still can't do it and do the wrong habbits. I afraid that it will disturb his play in rally and can't move. Another bad habbit is that he likes to standing far from the table and hit the ball below the table. It's very fatal and until now he still make the wrong habbits... This make me confuse as my another friends just need several times to correct their movement. Please help me...

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Everyone is different.  I think patience is the key.  Keep giving him enough experiences and reminders and it will start to happen correctly.  Try expressing your thoughts in slightly different ways.

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