Hi, I just joined the table tennis club at my university for about a month now. I love playing table tennis but we've never been taught properly.
Now is the chance for me to learn! However, I definitely think I am a burden towards the club as the players there are much on a higher skilled players than me. They would think its kids play if they had me as partner. I've tried practicing using the Practice Alone on your website but there are certain limitations to playing alone.
What else, can I do? I don't think anyone in my club would want to help me in their free time to practice.
I'm thinking of not going to the club training sessions for a while until I prove on myself to be worthy.
Thanks in advance
Hi Will,
You wil; be surprised sometimes that players are happy to just have a hit or game with anyone. Persevere with going to the club as this is the best way to improve.
Short pushing, blocking and counter looping. These are some of things we'll get you to work on during this session to prepare for playing against an attacking player.
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