How to beat someone stronger than you


leonardo gabica
leonardo gabica Asked 11 years ago

Hi Pingskills,

I am so honored to have joined here in this family,and because of your teachings i have learned so much techniques for my table tennis and i want to improve so much more, and this is my question to you alois,

I have an enemy his tactics are short serve, and i return it with forehand/backhand push,and the ball goes, higher back to him, and he just smashes it back to my base and i can't return it because the ball is too fast, can you please teach me the right tactics to do this? 



Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Leonardo,

We are pleased to have you join us as well.  Thanks for your kind words.

The main thing to think about with this player is your return of serve.  Think about variation of the return.  If you are trying to push it and it is going too high, you could try to use the Forehand Flick.  THis will keep the ball lower.  Also think about the placement of your return.  See if you can find a position that he likes less.  Perhaps on his backhand side or wide on his forehand side.

The more you play against him the better you will get at these things.  Don't be afraid to take some risks on the return.  Since he is a big chance to win the point anyway, by taking some risks you may just get a few returns in and sneak some points.

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Thoughts on this question

leonardo gabica

leonardo gabica Posted 11 years ago

Thank you, Alois i'm pleased to know your response :) More POWER PINGSKILLS!!!

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Glad to be able to help.

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