How to chop powerful topspins


Tam Eastwood
Tam Eastwood Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois I use a 1.1 thickness LP and find that whenever someone does a powerful topspin to my backhand, I try to chop and it usually goes off the end of the table. How do I control it so it so I consistently goes on? 



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Tam,

Try having a more vertical stroke to absorb some of the speed.  

Initially you may want to use a slightly thicker sponge to get the feel of the pimples.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Countering a Chop Block

The key is to countering a chop block is to ensure you wait for the ball as it comes through much slower compared to a normal block. You also need to lift the ball more than you would against a regular block.

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Thoughts on this question

Benzene Chiral

Benzene Chiral Posted 7 years ago

Thicker sponge... Wouldn't it make the ball fly even further off the end of the table?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

With the long pimple it makes the effect a little more 'normal' so easier to control initially.


D K Posted 7 years ago

Said in other words,thick sponge under longpips makes them more similar to inverted and thus is good when you transition from longpips to inverted or back.
I personally use 1.0mm long pimple and I plan to use 1.5mm from the next rubber change.
But you would be surprised,if you have a fast blade,OX version can seem to be fast compared to thick sponge due to much higher vulnerability to flat balls.

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