How to disguise a short/long top spin serve


Jacky Huynh
Jacky Huynh Asked 11 years ago

I want to serve a short top spin serve to trick my opponent but I can never disguise it good enough since my opponent always knows it is top spin.  How can I disguise this better?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Jacky,

Try to add some sidespin with it and then vary between sidespin topspin and sidespin backspin.  This is a smaller difference.

You can also use the Pendulum serve and hit the ball just as the bat starts to come upwards.  Do the serve quite fast bouncing it into the table close to you.  This will mean it has a similar trajectory to your other serves and will be harder to pick.

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Thoughts on this question

Edwin Gosens

Edwin Gosens Posted 11 years ago

Yeah try to do it with some sidespin. it will make your back/sidespin and top/sidespin serve more similair. I personaly mostly use backspin serves but i use topspin serves sometimes to get a high return. but there is one thing with this serve; always expect the opponent to flick the ball. even if i am hoping for a high return i am expecting a flick because otherwise i would get caught out with my own serve.

hope you can do something with it

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