If you hit the ball faster you'll get more spin but how do you keep it short and still make it bounce twice on the table for the 3rd ball attack?
Hi Mayo,
The key is brushing the ball thinner.
The faster you brush the ball the more spin it will get but the thinner the contact the less distance it will travel.
That is why a fast thin contact is important. However it also means it is a more difficult skill to master.
In this lesson we show you how to execute the Backhand Tomahawk serve. This is a good complement to the Tomahawk serve. By utilising a similar action, it will make it difficult for your opponent to tell which way the ball and spin are going.
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Mayo May Posted 13 years ago
mohammad panahi Posted 13 years ago
Hi dear Mr alois
i saw your video about how can we do a short faster serve exactly it was the question which i wanted to asked but fortunately it was asked by mayo. By the watching your video a could take me answer and i will try it during the playing. thank you so much.
Gaurav Simha Posted 13 years ago
julian gil Posted 13 years ago
Ardak . Posted 11 years ago
Hi coaches! Mayo Mayo have uploaded the video above. Is Mayo Mayo one of the admins of this site? Or anyone can upload videos ?
kathy mckelvey Posted 8 years ago
Interesting video!!
Peter Niu Posted 8 years ago
thx Alois
sathiya' msn Posted 8 years ago
hii coach how to improve back hand
Igor Poletaev Posted 8 years ago
Hi Alois! Thank you for the video.
I'd like to ask you one question. To make the shot with a really thin contact with the ball, it is necessary to make this shot with a very opened racket, right? But shooting with an opened racked can cause that the ball will bounce too high, as it can be seen even in this video. How to avoid this? Thank you!
René Houde Posted 8 years ago
Hello from Québec Mr. Rosario.
As for the short push serve, I have problems to keep the ball low near the net. I do get 3 bounces thow and the ball sometimes dont leave the table; it comes back to the net. I gess I get enough back spinn.
I think I dont visualize the correct ball trajectory. What would be the ideal height to hit the ball at serving short push and the zone on the table to aim for the first bounce?
Thank you in advence,
René Houde.