How to do the pendulum service


shyam DHARMARAJ Asked 13 years ago

hello coach.I want to learn the spinning pendulam service

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Shyam,

This is a relatively simple serve to learn but will take a while to master.

You need to stand side on to the table in your backhand corner.

Release the three fingers off your handle to allow more movement in the wrist.

Start with your arm up and elbow at shoulder height.

Then only using the forearm, swing down like a pendulum.  Keep the bat facing the side wall throughout the service action.

Then practice a lot...

We cover this serrve in great depth in our Serving Secrets Revealed DVD.  You will see demonstartions and a break down of the steps to learn this serve and many others. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

High Toss Serve

The high toss serve looks spectacular and it gets results. It is particularly suited to the pendulum serve but we encourage you to try it out with all of your serves. Follow these instructions and add the high toss serve to your repertoire.

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