Strokes and Technique
Hi Pingskills
1.Hi I'm a heavy looper from both sides who is having difficulty keeping my Forehand 3rd ball low in a game. I usually do a Backspin/float serve in a game and try to get my Forehand Topspin in as much as possible but lately I've been put off pivoting round to my backhand as the better players are starting to hit it past me which is sooo frustrating. This is only really an issue with my forehand 3rd ball against Backspin from the pivot which seems low when I hit but when it gets on to the opponent side it bounces too high right into their hitting zone if you know what I mean. Anyway I've been winning loads of point from my Backhand loop which is low and spinney so how can I fix this?
P.s I have no problems keeping my FH third low off a float ball only the backspin return.
Thanks in advance
Hi Cameron,
It sounds like just a matter of adjusting your angle. Also try to hit the ball from a little higher position if you can. This will tend to give it a lower trajectory. If you hit the ball from a low position it will tend to sit up more on your opponents side.
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