How to learn a fast serve


naqiuddin mardani
naqiuddin mardani Asked 14 years ago

How can i learn to serve my topspin more faster and more accurately.

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Naqiuddin,

There are 3 things that come to mind straight away:

  1. Practice
  2. Practice
  3. Practice
Seriously though, this is the best way to improve. Get a bucket of balls and execute the serve over and over. We cover this in our Serving Secrets Revealed DVD. Also have a read of a blog I wrote Six steps to a better serve.
Try out these ideas and let us know if it helps you improve. 


Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Serving Secrets Introduction

A brief overview of what we'll cover in Serving Secrets series

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Thoughts on this question

chip Phatak

chip Phatak Posted 14 years ago

haha, that's a great way to put it!  In fact, that's the answer to the vast majority of questions asked on this site.

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