How to master the forehand and back hand loop


Braden Koh
Braden Koh Asked 11 years ago

it is like i have been playing for some time and i still cannot get the loop correct, it is either out or hits the the net, that is for backhand, for forehand it is more reliable but also unsteady.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Braden,

First focus on the start and finish positions of the stroke that we show you in our lessons on the Forehand Topspin Against Block and the Backhand Topspin Against Block.  If you can do these correctly you will have a good chance of getting the ball on the table.  I think the most important of these is the finish.

Make sure your racket has good grip on it as well.  If you are using a racket with no grip you will not be able to do the stroke correctly.

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