How to overcome getting tired


Saifullah Tarar
Saifullah Tarar Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

First of all, I wish you a happy new year.

Second of all, I have a question of how to overcome getting tired during a long rally because whenever a rally reaches about 70 hits, I start to feel tired and the outcome is that the ball bounces off the table or the ball gets too high and my opponent smashes it easily.

Please give a response quickly so I can start practicing.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Saifullah,

If you are practising to get better in a match then you don't need to worry about getting tired with a 70 shot rally because that will very rarely happen in a match.

It is more about your concentration over that period of time.

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