How to perform a Topspin


andrew torres
andrew torres Asked 12 years ago

hi sir may i ask how to perform a top spin im trying to do it but i always fail it always hitting the net can you give me some tips pls. and were having our intrams this week im only grade 7. pls answer my question.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Andrew,

It is great that you are keen to learn the strokes.  The topspin is one of the most important strokes to learn.

Take a look at our lesson on the Forehand Topspin Against Block.  This may help you.

If you are hitting them into the top of the net try making your stroke more vertical so that you are lifting the ball more.  Also just think about aiming a little higher.  It may sound simplistic but try it and see if it helps.  The topspin will bring the ball down again.

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