How to play against a chopper with normal rubbers


Dariusz Rypień
Member Badge Dariusz Rypień Asked 2 years ago

Hello guys,

I’ve recently lost a match against a guy who tried to chop almost every attack of mine with normal rubbers. Of course I could have won that match but had some little bit of bad luck at the end. I tried to give him long fast serves and to attack after, which worked to some extent. I also varied a service (short, long, backspin, topspin, etc.) The problem was when I tried to open up a backspin ball, he was often chopping it, and the ball which came back to me was often with backspin and I could not get harder. So what I did was opening rally, then push, again opening up and it was quite tiring and often led to the mistakes from my side. Usually he managed to chop my slow and spinny open ups. So could you give me some advices how to beat him and what to avoid?  I have seen earlier your video about tactics against choopper. The tactics you've mentioned were great. But I would be grateful if you give me more tips in regard to that particular situation.

Kind regards,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 years ago

Hi Dariusz,

It looks like you are using some good ideas against the chopper.

I think the main thing to consider is to get more training against the chopping style of player.  The ability to attack twice in a row against the chop is important. If you are always attacking one and then pushing the next they can get into a good rhythm.

I think one other aspect to think about that you didn't mention was playing t the middle of the chopper.  This area is often more difficult for them to chop from as they rely on a longer stroke to chop.

I wouldn't worry too much, just keep focusing on gaining opportunities to play against this style of player and you will start to become more comfortable as well.

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Thoughts on this question

Dariusz Rypień

Member Badge Dariusz Rypień Posted 2 years ago

Ok, thanks for the tips. I'll definitely try them next time! :)

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