How to play against loops ?


Rajesh Sawant
Rajesh Sawant Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois, Jeff,

Yesterday I was playing with average level player who was very good at top spin his combination was Joola Carbon, Joola Express 2 (FH/BH). He was playing loops and 1-2 feet away from table and looping ball deep on the table at my side. While I was attempting ball to block it goes off from bat and I can not control it I tried cushion grip as you explained earlier but either ball goes off or in the net. What should I try? I am thinking of its better to keep distance from table so that I can play loop(again topspin) and return it ? Please advice   



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Rajesh,

It is best to make a block shot.  It will take a while to get the feel of how much spin is on the ball.  Think about hitting the ball down when it comes to you.  YOu can also think about punching the ball down sharply so that the ball doesn't stay on the bat for long and the spin doesn't have time to take effect on your rubber.

Take a look at the lesson on how to Counter A Spinny Topspin.  This will give you some options. 

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Thoughts on this question

Rajesh Sawant

Rajesh Sawant Posted 12 years ago

Hi Alois,

 Do I need to block ball when it arise or at the top of its bounce?

Also anti rubber is used for eliminate effect of spin on the rubber? 


Rajesh Suhas Sawant

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Rajesh,

You can block it either early or at the top of the bounce.  At the top you will be able to hit the ball harder because the ball is higher.  When you block the ball early it gives your opponent less time.  You can vary the timing depending on the effect you want.

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