How to play with a smasher?


Tommy Hsieh
Tommy Hsieh Asked 13 years ago

I am a looper and I have hard time to play with one smasher. Every time I loop the ball to his FH or BH, he will smash the ball right back. How can I deal with this?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Tommy,

The key here is variation.  You need to change the speed, spin and placement of your loop.  Then it will make it difficult for the other player to make an attacking shot.  You can play both faster and slower to make it difficult for them to time the ball properly.

For players that like to smash on both sides sometimes even placing the ball to the middle of the table can be difficult for them because they don't have space to swing at the ball.  Often it takes just a slight variation to make it a lot harder for them.

Try out these tips and let me know if it works. 

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I Can't Return That Smash!

If you're having trouble returning a smash, you are not alone. The secret is to stop your opponent from attacking in the first place. Improve your short game and you will become the attacker!

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Thoughts on this question

Judah Cagas

Judah Cagas Posted 13 years ago

thanks alois the tips you shared worked

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