How to put spin on the ball


Matthew Eveleigh
Matthew Eveleigh Asked 7 years ago

Hi coaches

So im starting to coach some peeps and one of them asked how to put spin on the ball I've tried to teach them but they're not quite grasping it? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Matthew,

The main thing to focus on is the contact on the ball.  Start by getting them away from the table and get them to try getting the ball to spin back towards them on the floor.  A fine brushing contact is the key.  They can think there is a small insect on the ball that they need to brush off the ball without squashing it...

We show all of this in the Introduction to Serving section of the site.


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Thoughts on this question

Benzene Chiral

Benzene Chiral Posted 7 years ago

Ok, thanks coach, but what about topspin? How do I make them grasp the topspin if away from the table? It's the flat hit bad habit from them, and it's hard to correct as they will automatically flat hit even if they know the stroke, when they see the ball flying towards them...

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 7 years ago

You can drop the ball on the floor and let it bounce and then get them to lift the ball up with topspin onto the other side of the table.

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