How to receive a deep ball after short ball


Arin Mital
Arin Mital Asked 10 years ago

Hello I'm Arin Mital from England,

I am currently not sure how to receive the ball if I am close to the table after a short ball, how do I then receive it if they play me deep, should I do a chop a push a long shot, that is my main weakness in the game also especially if the ball is coming fast too.

thank you

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

HI Arin,

The key here is to push off your front foot so that you get back into position quickly for the longer ball. It is best to try and attack that ball.  If you try to push it the ball will tend to go high.

When practicing any short play, always practice moving back into a ready position to attack the next ball.  Even if you are practicing short pushing keep working on moving out again after each short push. This will give you better footwork to cope with the ball that does come long.

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