how to regain skills


christian Unknown
christian Unknown Asked 15 years ago

hello, i haven`t played table tennis for a few months now. here is my problem, when I played table tennis at my school I was shocked because I can`t do a forehand topspin now like what I do  a few months back. my serves also don`t land on the opponents court like it usually do. what should i do to regain my skills?

christian, thanks

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Christian,

Firstly don't wory too much.  Table Tennis is a sport where you quickly lose your touch but it is not forgotten.  Within a few days of playing regularly again yor brain will start to remember how to do the strokes.

Serving especially requires a very fine skill so give yourself time to adjust and you will soon be serving like before if not better.

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