How to relax

Mental Preparation

hans rasmussen
hans rasmussen Asked 4 years ago

Nice video about relaxation and efficient strokes. But how to take it from there? Is there a systematic way to develop a more "relaxed" and efficient way of playing, once you realize that your playing style is too tense? I suppose this question goes for both the physical side and the mental side of the game, .


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Hans,

Once you realise there is tension the first thing is to work on in this in your training environment.

A way that you can start is by doing some swings without the ball, shadow swings.  While doing this, focus on how smooth and how little effort you can take to make the stroke happen.  Then as you start to hit the ball try to relate to the feelings that you had while doing the shadow swings.  Don't focus on where the ball is going but purely on the feel of the swing.  Then you can start to put more attention on the result of the shot as you feel comfortable.  You may need to move your focus between the swing and the result as you progress.  This is not a one minute process, more like a longer process that will eventually find its way into your games.

This also relates to your mental ability.  The best way to get better at it is to focus on the situation in your training environment.  Start by being able to relax mentally during your drills but slowly add pressure to your drills by putting some goals on them and then also add this to your practice games.  Eventually again you will bring this into your matches.  Again a long process but one worth pursuing.

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