How to return a high Slice Shot


andres andres
andres andres Asked 12 years ago

Hi another time

i always play ping pong with my brother and he always makes a particular shot. he put a lot of backspin and the ball hit very high and that convince me to make a topspin but i always put the ball in the net :(

What i need to do?  HELP, sorry if a have grammar error my first language is Spanish...

bye thanku

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Andres,

This can be a more difficult shot than it looks.  You still need to allow for the backspin even though the ball is so high.  Try to still lift the ball a little or brush the ball really fast with topspin to get it over the net.  You also need to start with your bat up a bit higher.

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Thoughts on this question

andres andres

andres andres Posted 12 years ago

thanku the tip was very useful

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Good to hear

Julio Torres

Julio Torres Posted 12 years ago

Ese problema yo lo tuve con un amigo que suele hacer cortes... Sus cortes iban muy altos, y siempre intentaba rematarlos, pero se quedaban en la maya. Tiempo despues decidi solamente hacer un push, pero esto dejaba la pelota muy alta y mi amigo la remataba facilmente. Despues descubri que la unica manera de contrarestar cortes con esta caracteristica es haciendo un loop muy vertical, convirtiendo todo ese backspin en Topspin, pero esto conlleva mucho esfuerzo y energía, por lo cual a pesar de ser la mejor opcion, es dificil de efectuar. La otra opcion que encontre factible, fue hacer un push sobre el pique de la pelota, para evitar que esta tomara demasiada altura y mi amigo la rematara.... 

Espero que te ayude mi experiencia personal contra este golpe que describes..

i had this kind of problem time ago against a friend who like to chop the ball. His chops were high, i I always tried to smash it, but it always kept in the net. time later i decided to push the ball, but the ball were really hicg so it was easy to my friend to smash it. Time later i noticed that the only way to deal with that chops was doing a really vertical loop to return the spin. I think this shot is the best option, but this hit needs to much effort and energy. the another option i think is well is to make a push near to the bounce of the ball, so the ball doesn't bounce to high, and the oponnent can't smash it to easy.

I hope my experience with this can help you.

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