How to return fast and low sidespin


zohaib- tahir
zohaib- tahir Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff!

I'm just a beginner in table tennis who is learning the spin shots and having trouble regarding it. I've been playing table tennis by watching your videos on YouTube and do not go for coaching whatsoever. Your videos are helping me alot and I have learned various spin serves. I'm doing good on my serve points. It is the opponents service that troubles me. My partner does a backhand sidespin serve which is coming at me very quickly and it comes so low that when I'm trying to pick it up the ball goes out of the court. Could you show me possible returns that I can try for a backhand or reverse sidespin serves? Many thanks in advance!

- Zohaib Tahir

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Zohaib,

That is a difficult part of the game.  The main thing with those serves is that they will move to your left when you hit it.  Therefore you need to angle your bat to the right to counteract the spin on the ball.  Just try to push the ball to start with.  Use the angle of your bat to change the direction of the return.  Don't try to do too much and just feel where the ball is going off your bat.  Make adjustments as you go along.  It can be a long process but it is one that will teach you more about spin and you will be able to apply that with all types of spin.

We have the Receiving Secrets section of the site which goes into more detail about how to return serves.  This is part of our Premium membership, which you may be interested in to gain these insights.  Go to the My info link at the top right of the site to see what is possible.

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