How to return fast and spinning serves ?
Hi Darshanik,
The key is to watch the server and the contact of the bat on the ball. This will give you good information about what type of spin is on the ball.
If you do a search at the top of the Ask the Coach page you will find a lot of previous answers to questions on this topic.
You will also see we have a Course on Receiving Secrets. This will show you in great detail how to return spin serves. In it we show you the principles of returning serves that will allow you apply it to any spin serve to help you to learn how to return it. You can access this if you are a Premium member. Our Premium membership is a great way to access all of the information on our site.
To be able to receive serve effectively, you need to know how the ball will react when it hits your bat with different types of spin. We go into detail to explain this with the use of our disc wheel.
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