How to Return the Pendulum Serve


Harkaran Sohal
Harkaran Sohal Asked 7 years ago

How do i attack and return a pendulum service ?

I have lost many games due to this serviceĀ 

Pls tell me what to do

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 7 years ago

Hi Harkaran,

The thing with the pendulum serve is that it isn't really 1 serve. The server can place many different spins on each serve which makes them react differently off your bat. So the real key is to read what type of spin the server is putting on the bat. Then you can adjust your return to counter that spin.

A good place to start learning more about this is our Introduction to Receiving module.

Let me know if this helps.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Position and Footwork

Learn the correct receiving position and the correct footwork to use when receiving serve.

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