How to win a table tennis match easily at district level

Mental Preparation

Shubhanshu Saxena
Shubhanshu Saxena Asked 11 years ago

Sir, I have played 3 district level tournaments but before I play the match I lose my confidence and I cannot play any strokes and I lose the match. So what can I do for this problem

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Shubhanshu,

This is something that happens to a lot of players so don't worry about it.  The more you play tournaments the better you will get at this.  When you feel yourself start to feel nervous, take a deep breath and focus on slowing down and calming down.  You can then think about the tactic you need for the next point There is no need to think further ahead than this.

During the match, think about playing well rather than about the result.

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Activation Level

We've all watched the movies where the underdog gets all pumped up and goes out and plays the match of their life to win the World Championships. It's inspiring stuff but in reality not everyone plays there best Table Tennis when they are too fired up. Sometime it's better to stay relaxed and calm yet very alert. This master class talks about how to find the right activation level for you so you play your best Table Tennis.

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Thoughts on this question

Shubhanshu Saxena

Shubhanshu Saxena Posted 11 years ago

Thank your, Sir. This was helpful for me.

Raghav  Binwal

Raghav Binwal Posted 11 years ago

Even I used to do this ,but when I started playing state tournaments also automatically I started to win . But how?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Well done.  Perhaps you were a good level because of the training you had done and able to beat these players.

Jadon Salgado

Jadon Salgado Posted 9 years ago

same as me i lose at district level because of advanced serving..... cry for me i used fast serve

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