Hurricane 3 as BH rubber


Ardak .
Ardak . Asked 4 years ago

Hi coaches! 

I play with DHS-hurricane-III last 3 years on both FH and BH sides. I like it because of its control, spin, power. My problem is: I can't do backhand topspin with my new blade(Sanwei fextra off+, clone of stiga clipper). I have a feeling it is even impossible to learn it. I am playing with it last 3 months. With stigaCC7  I could do some BH topspins against slow balls.  And I was feeling that my BH topspin was improving. But stiga cc7 was so heavy that I couldn't react to fast balls, sometimes I even didn't have time to block because of its weight. So I changed it...

Many of our club members said that hurricane is not BH rubber. But I tried once tensor rubber (xiom vega europe) for BH side, DHS-H-3 for FH.  The successful touch which I do with vega europe didn't work for hurricane and vice versa. I was very confused during the game.

When I was playing with tensor rubbers (tenergy 05, 05fx, xiom vega china, europe, japan) I could do nice BH topspins even against some backspins. But it was difficult to return spinny serves and spinny strokes. It was difficult to play in terms of control. So I started to play with DHS hurricane3. 

With my current blade it is easier to play than my previuos stiga offensive classic carbon. But I don't feel any progress in my game with my current blade Fextra, although it was better with other blades in terms of progress. 

Should I get used to tensor rubber to BH side? Should I return to all+ or off- blade? Does it help to improve my game? Please suggest me something...

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Ardak,

My suggestion for you is to change to a slower blade.  This will allow you to control the ball more.  It sounds like the current blade is too fast.

Thoughts on this question

Jasper Low

Jasper Low Posted 4 years ago

I'm using the waldner donic blade. It's easy to control the ball 

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Thank you, coach! I will change to a slower blade.

Thank you, Jasper Low!

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Hi coach!

Most of my backhand strokes are blocks. I think I like off+ blades because with them I can do good  blocks, fast blocks. In the past with all+ or off- blades most of my  blocks went to the net. Is there any all+ or off- blades which is good for blocks?

Sometimes I think the fact that I play with too many blocks prevents improving my backhand topspin? Am I right? 

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Hi, coach!

As you suggested I changed to a slower blade. It is OFF-. Yesterday I played for the first time with it. I felt it will take some time to adjust it. With my new slower blade, FH and BH topspins are safer. New blade is light that's why it is easy to change from FH to BH strokes, and it is easier to recover and be ready to next strokes after looping. I believe it will impove my stroking techniques. 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 4 years ago

Good to hear.  See how you keep progressing.

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Hi, coach!

After changing to a slower(off-) blade I started to lose almost to everyone in our club. Maybe adaptation takes long time.. I am not sure.

In the game I started to use BH topspin more often, and they became more successful. But surprisingly, serve receiving became worse, although I expected vice versa.

My strokes became easy to return. Some of my opponents even smashes my spinny FH loops vs their backspins. When I was playing with off+ blade it was not easy to return them if not impossible.

Pushes also became worse...

I am trying to ignore and forget those losses and trying to focus on learning strokes. But I am not sure .. 

Are these things (circumstances) normal? 

Jasper Low

Jasper Low Posted 4 years ago

Im sure it's normal, u just haven't got the touch and feeling yet. 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 4 years ago

I would stay with it for a little longer. If you are still finding it difficult with server and return in a couple of weeks then think about changing. 

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Hi coach!

I am still trying to adjust to my new off- blade. I will continue to adjust. I just want to inform you about my equipments. 


It is Joola Rossi emotion. It is my first blade with hinoki outer layer. Despite its outer layer is very soft, the blade very bouncy. Maybe it is because carbon layer is next to the core. It makes difficult to receive some serves. Initially there was tibhar mx-p and DHS goldarc 8 (50 degree) rubbers, but I felt these rubbers are too fast. Then I put dhs hurricane 3 rubbers. Now it has more control. 

I expected high arc. But its arc is straight. With Primorac off- blade I was destroying (pimple user) defenders with continuous high arc FH spinny topspins. Even if the defender played in 3-4 leagues higher.  With Joola I can't do that. But with primorac I struggled vs attackers.  


Joola is not stiff. I realized that I can do good FH loops with stiff blades (stiga CC7, yasaka ma lin carbon). Now my FH attacking is very bad. It was similar when I tried (all+) yasaka sweden blade.


But with Joola I have no any complaint about BH topspin and blocking. With this blade I am becoming a BH player...


Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Softer rubbers suited more to my (all+) yasaka sweden blade. Yasaka sweden and hard rubbers (xiomvega japan) didn't suit, it was weird racket for me.  And on my primorac off- blade there were tenergy 05-fx rubbers which are also soft. 

As I said above, now on the joola rossi emotion blade there are hurricane3 rubbers which are very hard. Maybe I have to change it to soft & slow tensor rubbers.  

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Hi coach!

I changed the FH rubber. I put slow tensor rubber instead of dhs hurricane 3. Today I played with it first time. It made big difference. My racket became little better. I will change BH side too :) 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 4 years ago

OK sounds like you are getting on the right track.

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Hi, coach!

I want to share about my games.

Since the blade is light it is very easy to change from FH to BH and vice verca. I feel that yesterday in the tournament  I increased BH loop (topspin) to the maximum of my own record. It was approximately 35%(bh) - 65%(fh) topspin strokes. When I played with off+ blade it was approximately 10%(bh) - 90%(fh) topspin strokes. Among 11 players in the tournaments I am currently in the 5-6 th places. Before changing to off- blade I was in the 2-4 th places. I feel that I can win some of my opponents if I use a powerful blade, but powerful blades don't let me improve my bh topspin.

I think I should have choosen an off- blade without carbon. Inner carbon is very strange. Hard to control. Sometimes it is bouncy when I don't need the bouncy-ness. Sometimes it is very slow and ball goes to the net when I need some bouncy-ness. And with very soft outer layer it is hard to win in the push battles.

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

When I started to play with my current off- blade, I was in the 7-8th places among 11 people, in the tournaments. 

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Hi coach! Before using Joola rosskopf emotion (off-) blade, I was thinking that any off- blade has good arc trajectory.  Because I have played with butterfly primorac and Donic waldner senso carbon several years ago. I was little disappointed when I realized that JRE's trajectory is straight. I compared my JRE with my friend's Tibhar Samsonov carbon(off+). There were same rubbers on both blades. Surprisingly, JRE was more bouncy and faster! 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 4 years ago

That is the issue between manufacturers ratings.  It is often difficult to tell.


D K Posted 4 years ago

Ardak,maybe you are also putting too much emphasis to your equipment.
Yes,choosing good equipment is important-but if you are switching too frequently,you will not be able to truly discover what that equipment actually has got.
You are judging only based on first impression. It can help,but I would not take it as most important thing.

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Thank you, D K!

 I think I got bad quality exemplar of JRE. I tried it about 1 month, 3 times a week. At last times, I even didn't want to play TT.  Playing TT was becoming very annoying for me. Wanted to give up TT. But, instead of give up TT,  I decided to change the blade...

Jasper Low

Jasper Low Posted 4 years ago

Try to stick with 1 blade for at least a few months so that you can get used to it 

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Thank you, Jasper Low.

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 4 years ago

Hi, coach!

Now I am playing with stiga clipper. It is rated as off+. But it has lots of control compared to my previous blade. Its arc is not straight when I do topspin and not bouncy unlike JRE. I started to enjoy TT, and I am winning my club-mates again. I feel that my bh topspins are getting better. My club-mates are also saying this. 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 4 years ago

Well done Ardak.

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