I can smash and spin but...


Denny Lee
Denny Lee Asked 10 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff. 

Nice to be talking to you. I am mad at table tennis and I absolutely love it. Just one issue I have here is returning the smash. I see you have done videos on how to return the smash and positioning to return the smash but I find my reflex not quite sharp enough to actually reach the ball coming from the smashing opponent and how to cope with it when it is so sudden and high.

I should be grateful to have an answer from you guys.

I have to say, your videos are awesome! I have learnt a lot from it. Will ask you some more questions when in need!

Best Wishes,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Denny,

Thanks for the nice words about our videos.

Take a look at this Match Strategy lesson on I Can't Return That Smash! for a big tip on this area of the game.

When th ball does go up high and they do make a smash, try to keep balanced and watch the ball carefully to give yourself the best chance of returning the ball.  The more you do it the better you will get at tracking where the ball is coming.

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Thoughts on this question

Kaustubh Kulkarni

Kaustubh Kulkarni Posted 10 years ago

Attacking first is a good idea for this problem.

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