I lost my form


Hammad Hammad
Hammad Hammad Asked 14 years ago

Hi Coach.
I am a student and was busy in my exams preveious days.that is why I did not touch the racket for one and half month. Now I am back after exams but it looks like my gage is not back. I am missing the feeling of ball,my timing and my strokes.what should I do to get back my last form. I should mention that I am a good player having ability to play  loop,chop ,serve and other strokes quite well.means i am not a beginner.thanx coach

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Hammad,

The most important thing is to not expect that you will hit the ball perfectly straight away.

Start with some slower more controlled hitting.  Go for some consistency with your hitting on both the forehand and backhand sides.

Once you really start to feel the ball well then you can start to speed up and try a few more difficult things.  This may take a few training sessions or even a week or more.  Allow yourself to get better without forcing it.

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