I need help with serving


Franz-Ludwig wig
Franz-Ludwig wig Asked 11 years ago

I play ping pong well but my serving is not that good HELP!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Franz-Ludwig,

Serving is something that you can develop over time.  The first thing is to try and spin the ball as much as possible.  To spin the ball you need to brush it and then brush it fast.  Once you can do that, try to get the ball to where you want it on the table.

We have a section dedicated to serving in our Premium lessons.  Take a look at what is available in our Serving Secrets section.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Pendulum Serve

The pendulum serve is the most popular serve in all of Table Tennis. In this lesson we teach you the important principles and how to vary the serve between backspin, sidespin and topspin.

Watch Now

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