Im Alone


Yasser Ocheha
Yasser Ocheha Asked 12 years ago

Hi Coach .

My father didnt let me go to the jym cuz I want play Tennis Table . and I have table In my house but I dont have anyone play with me and I want Trining What I should done . Give a trin to do in my home and thak you so much

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Yasser,

Just keep trying to play as much as you can.

Take a look at our lesson on Practicing Alone.  This will show you a lot of things that you can try.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#1 - Stroke Consistency

Session 1 of your 52 week training plan focuses on consistency of your strokes. As such we spend a lot of time working on grooving our strokes. Make sure to also watch the accompanying master class on consistency.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Sovan Ly

Sovan Ly Posted 11 years ago

It is okay. I train it to yasser.

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