Improving Backhand Push Through Backhand Serve


Erriza Shalahuddin
Erriza Shalahuddin Asked 10 years ago

Hi Pingskills

I felt  that my backhand push became spinnier and more consistent after I employed my backhand serve more and more in my game. Is it just my feeling or is it true that player can improve his/her backhand push through practicing backhand serve?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Erriza,

Sometimes we get inspiration or understanding from related things and it is different for each player.

It sounds like this has worked for you and may work for others as well.  By relating to the contact you are making on the serve it may have triggered some feeling for the push as well.

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In this session we focus on your consistency when playing combinations of backhands and forehands. Several routines in this training session make you constantly switch between a backhand and a forehand. If you can improve your consistency on these combinations it will really help you in a real game since your opponent will often be changing where they hit the ball.

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