Improving my backhand


dola darkprince
dola darkprince Asked 12 years ago

Hi coach,

i want to know how could i strengthen my backhand spins and serves
and i w
onder if there is a backhand smash and if there is how can i do it?


Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Dola,

To improve your backhand you need to work on your technique. Watch our videos on the Backhand Counterhit, the Backhand Topspin Against Block and the Backhand Topspin Off Backspin.

As for the backhand smash, it is a very difficult shot because of the height of the ball. Once the ball is up around head height it's hard to get your arm high enough to control the ball. You are better off moving around and playing a forehand smash. If the ball is high enough to smash then you will have time to move around.

Recommended Video

Forehand Smash

The forehand smash is used when the ball is around shoulder height or above. It is a much harder stroke to play than it looks. Follow the tips on this video lesson to ensure your smash is an effective weapon.

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