Increase accuracy on flat shots or topspin


Abhishek Abhishek Goverdhan
Abhishek Abhishek Goverdhan Asked 6 years ago

How do I increase my ball accuracy so that all my shots and topspin go where I want them to go. I have lost a lot of points that way where I should have got them.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Abhishek,

In training put some targets on the table and see how close you can get to hitting them.

Then take them off the table and see if you can still hit the same spots.  Then in a open rally situation see if you can maintain the accuracy.

Finally, see if you can then translate this into a match situation.

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Thoughts on this question

Abhishek Abhishek Goverdhan

Abhishek Abhishek Goverdhan Posted 6 years ago

Thanks Alois for telling me this now I have accurate shots and topspin

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

Well done Abhishek.  Great to hear.

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