increase stamina


aman singh
aman singh Asked 14 years ago

how can i increase my stamina and what is better to hit after a spin topspin, a loop???????

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Aman,

To increase stamina, the easiest thing is to do some long distance running.  Start off slowly and then build up as you get better.

To counter a topspin you can use a variety of techniques.  You can block, or conter topspin the ball abck or even punch it.

Take a look at our lesson on how to Counter A Spinny Topspin.  This shows you some good examples of what you can do.

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Forehand Topspin Against Block

Learning to play the forehand topspin (also known as the forehand loop) in table tennis is one of the biggest steps forward you can take with your game. The topspin will cause the ball to dip down allowing you to hit the ball harder yet still maintaining consistency.

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