Initial skills for Table Tennis players


Simon Lewis
Simon Lewis Asked 11 years ago

Hi Pingskills,

When coaching absolute beginners (7 or 8 years old), are there any early tell tale signs you look for that will tell you whether the child has a better chance of getting to grips with the game? We are doing some coaching in schools with the aim of getting more players into our local league. We also want to split the children into ability categories so they are working with the right coach. So we can split them into the right groups early, what do you look when making an initial assessment?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Simon,

I think one simple one is how many balls they can hit back on the table off a very simple feed (with a coach hitting or with another child bouncing the ball for them).

You can also get them to see how many hits they can do, bouncing the ball up on their own bat in a row before they drop the ball.  then hitting alternately on both sides of their bat.  Especially if you have a few students at the same time this can be an effective way of giving them an initial grading.

Then show them a simple serve (Tap bounce bounce) and see if they can do this.

Anyway there are a few ideas.  Happy to discuss further.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Beating Defenders

Against defenders you've generally got a bit more time to make your attack and so you can be more selective on which ball to target. Think about finding your opponent's weaker side and whether they prefer a faster ball coming towards them or a slower ball. Try different spins, speed and placement! Watch the video now to learn more great tips on how to beat a defender.

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