Serious Injury


Hoàng Trọng Tấn Hoàng
Hoàng Trọng Tấn Hoàng Asked 7 years ago

Hi Sir

When a player is unconscious because of heart attack or something else and needs a long time to recover what happens to the match ? If the match returns, who will serve first and if the player loses a point because of an injury, does the point count?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Hoang,

The same rules apply.  They can't have more 10 minutes.  In these cases I would be more concerned for the welfare of the player.  They shouldn't play on anyway.

If they did resume the order of serving would be maintained.  The point when the injury occurred would probably count but it would be up to the umpire to call that and see if it interfered with the opponent.

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Hoàng Trọng Tấn Hoàng

Hoàng Trọng Tấn Hoàng Posted 7 years ago

OK, thanks

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