"inside" and "outside" of the ball


Bar Ben Vered
Bar Ben Vered Asked 7 years ago

Hello PingSkills! 

In your tutorial "sidespin forehand topspin", Alois said that you need to use your wrist to come around the "outside" and "inside" of the ball. What exactly does that mean? What's the "inside" and "outside" of the ball? 

Thank you!laughing 


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Bar,

Sorry about that confusion.

We refer to the inside as the side that is closest to you. So if the ball is on your right, then it is the left hand side of the ball.

The outside is the side that is further away.

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Match Drills

To bring all the skills you have developed into a game like situation you should use match drills. A match drill starts with a serve and return and hence is much like a real game. You can still practice various skills inside each drill such as working on your topspin off backspin.

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Thoughts on this question

Bar Ben Vered

Bar Ben Vered Posted 7 years ago

Thank you Alois! smile

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