Is My Combination Okay


choronicles Mu
choronicles Mu Asked 11 years ago

I Just bought a bat recently. It is Stiga CC5 Blade with Nittaku Fastarc s-1 in the forehand and Xiom Sigma Europe 1 in the backhand. I prefer Spin over speed. is this combination fine?? 

I'm joining a competition in Sg, and wonder if i can get used to my bat by early March as my competition starts in Mid- March. 

Pls give me your advice. thanks:D

I'm deciding to get a Japanese penhold blade, but didnt know which one to choose. There is some that i have listed down as i think it suits my style of playing.

Butterfly Ryu Seung Min Max Blade or Yasaka Musashi Blade

and which rubber will suit the blade??

Many say that butterfly tenergy 05 will suit any of the penhold blade but i wonder if it's true.

I saw some players using such blades only will have the forehand rubber, but their backhand is black/red. Is it a must ??

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago


The current bat you have sounds quite fast.  What is your level and how long have you been playing?  If you have good basics and train with it regularly till March you should be able to get used to it.

I don't know much about the blades you are looking at.  Other readers may be able to help.

If you have rubber only on one side you are not allowed to use the other side to hit the ball.  The non rubber side still has to be the Black or Red, opposite to the rubber side.

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Thoughts on this question

choronicles Mu

choronicles Mu Posted 11 years ago

I have been Playing for 4 years and upgrade my bat from Donic Walnder 800 in last year Jan. I think i have the basics and the slightly advance and then decided to go for the current bat.

Anyway Thanks for the answers!

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