Is Sriver rubber good for spin


Ben P
Ben P Asked 11 years ago

I was wondering my coach told me that Sriver rubber was very good at spinning the ball yet when I play lower-level opponents they always get my chops and top spins back. They also seem to spin it better than me! I only manage to win games against them with my smashing!

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Ani,

It may just be he contact you are getting with the rubber.  Remember it is not too long ago that Sriver was used by players to win World Championships.

Think about making a brushing contact on the ball when you are trying to spin the ball.

We have the Serving Secrets set of lessons available to our Premium members to help with how to generate spin.  You can join the memberships even for a month and see all of our Premium lessons.  I think this would help you to generate more spin with your strokes.

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Thoughts on this question

Marcus Anbau

Marcus Anbau Posted 11 years ago

Dont know which shriver you got there, but in general its medium hard , so more brushing contact is needed, but if so you will create more spin than with a softer sponge.

Why dont you use a digital camera and upload the video to look at your technique?

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